Breaking in the new electric tractor
When there’s the need to break up ground for planting, Eric is frequently the one on the tractor. The man likes his motorized farm machinery. The Black Cat Farm recently purchased an electric tractor, which Eric tested for the first time this week. Eric and Jill are not only organic farmers but they are also committed environmentalists who love their electric cars. Even better, they bought their electric tractor from a neighbor, who has an electric tractor business, and the tractor has solar cells. Local and environmentally-friendly, the new tractor fits in perfectly at the farm.
Cookbook tasting dinners
We held another cookbook tasting dinner at Black Cat Bistro earlier this week in our series of dinners offering a seasonal taste of the recipes in Eric’s cookbook, Farm, Fork, Food: A Year of Spectacular Recipes Inspired by Black Cat Farm. The latest dinner delved into spring recipes. It included the first harvest of the Black Cat Farm asparagus. Asparagus, morels, roasted root vegetables, and cream-mmm.
The dessert was a strawberry sorrel tart masquerading as a pizza. The farm is rich with sorrel this spring. When Eric tasted the sorrel stems, he realized that they closely resembled rhubarb, so he substituted sorrel stalks for rhubarb, which is not available locally yet.
If you have bought the cookbook and want to taste the recipes and listen to Eric provide background, cooking tips, and farm information, the dinners will continue roughly every six weeks until the cookbook contents have been digested.
For information on upcoming cookbook tasting dinners, you can join the Black Cat mailing list through https://blackcatboulder.com/contact, check in with this blog, or like the Black Cat or Bramble and Hare Facebook pages.
Bookcliff Vineyards spring barrel tasting dinner
To experience a special dinner with Eric and Jill sooner than the next cookbook tasting dinner, consider attending the annual spring barrel tasting dinner at Bookcliff Vineyards . Maker of the Black Cat Meritage wine, Bookcliff Vineyards holds a dinner where guests can sample the wine made in the preceding fall as well as the last bottled release while enjoying a fine meal.
Dates and time: Friday and Saturday, May 1st-2nd at 6:30pm.
Location: Bookcliff Vineyards, 1501 Lee Hill Road, #17, Boulder CO 80304
Cost: $75
RSVP: Seating is limited. Reserve your space by purchasing your tickets through the Bookcliff Vineyards Web site at http://bookcliffvineyards.com/events