The Black Cat Farm booth at the Boulder Farmers’ Market will include the following produce on September 13, 2014:
- Arugula
- Fennel
- Baby lettuce mix
- Baby tatsoi
- Beets, multiple varieties
- Cabbage (Danish ball head, Savoy)
- Carrots
- Corn, Japanese variety
- Kale
- Lettuce (Canasta, Jericho, Tom Thumb)
- Mizuna
- Parsley
- Peppers (Anaheim, jalapeno. Italian pimento-style bell)
- Perpetual spinach
- Spicy Asian greens mix
- Storing onions, several varieties
- String beans
- Summer squash
- Tomatoes
Non-produce items available will consist of chicken eggs.
The Black Cat farmers go the extra mile
Last night’s weather forecast called for a possible freeze at the Black Cat Farm. The Black Cat farmers picked all of the tender summer vegetables that they could earlier in the day. A freeze did not occur, so all of the crops are hanging on for now.
This morning, it snowed as the Black Cat farmers completed their harvesting for the Boulder Farmers’ Market.
Cardoons, the spiky cousins of artichokes, are returning to the market soon, probably next week. After you prepare them for use, you can treat them the same way that you do artichokes. Think cardoon dip, cardoon gratin, martinated cardoons. This blog includes instructions on how to prepare cardoons as well as some cardoon recipes from Eric. So, if you talk to him about cardoons at the market and don’t remember everything, you can always refer to this blog.
Take a look at Eric’s new cookbook
While Eric’s new cookbook, “Farm Fork Food: A Year of Spectacular Recipes Inspired by Black Cat Farm” will not be published until October 23rd, you can flip through an advance copy at the Black Cat Farm booth at the Boulder Farmers’ Markets.
There will be many local cookbook events, such as demos, tastings, and signings that have not yet been announced. One event that has been scheduled is a pre-release cookbook signing at the Bramble and Hare lunch on Sunday, October 19, 11:45am for the Flatirons Food Film Festival (Oct. 15-19, www.flatironsfoodfilmfest.org) . For information on other events, the Black Cat and Bramble and Hare Web sites will have the latest information. This blog will also keep you informed.
You can also pre-order a copy through Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/Farm-Fork-Food-Spectacular-Inspired/dp/1909487120/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1407344064&sr=8-1&keywords=farm+fork+food). If you do so, the cookbook will come to you on publication date.