The Black Cat Farm booth at the Boulder Farmers’ Market will include the following produce on July 5, 2014:
- Baby beets, multiple varieties
- Baby carrots
- Baby fennel
- Baby lettuce mix
- Basil, Genovese, lemon, red rouge, and sweet
- Bok choy
- Broccoli
- Cabbage, Danish ball head and Savoy
- Collard greens
- Fava beans, young and mature
- Kale, two varieties
- Leeks
- Lettuce, Tom Thumb
- Mizuna
- Mustard mix
- Peas, shelling and sugar snap
- Perpetual spinach
- Spicy Asian greens mix
- Spring onions
- Swiss chard, two varieties
- Tatsoi
- Turnips, Gold Ball and Norfolk
Non-produce items available will consist of chicken eggs.
This weekend is the last one of the year for sugar snap and English peas? The peas are beginning to get starchy rather than sweet and tender. While starchy isn’t delicious raw, it makes for terrific dried peas for winter soups at the Black Cat and Bramble and Hare restaurants. So, we’re going to dry the rest of the peas after this weekend.
Fresh chickpeas are coming to the market this weekend for the first time. Last summer offered the fresh garbanzo bean ragu or stew recipe as a way to cook fresh garbanzo beans.
While there are still young fava beans that you can eat whole in the pod, the fava beans are beginning to mature. When mature, the beans are larger and the pod no longer delicious as is. Then, it’s a matter or extacting the beans from the pod, peeling the bean membane, and cooking the beans.
Eric offered the following three fava beans recipes last summer: roasting or grilling fava beans in pods, fava beans, fennel, and mint, cream of fava soup/creamy fava pasta