The Black Cat Farm booth at the Boulder Farmers’ Market will include the following produce on July 12, 2014:
- Arugula
- Baby fennel
- Baby lettuce mix
- Basil, Genovese, holy, and sweet
- Beets, multiple varieties
- Broccoli
- Cabbage, Danish ball head and Savoy
- Carrots
- Collard greens
- Fava beans, young and mature
- Garbanzo beans, fresh
- Kale, two varieties
- Leeks
- Mizuna
- Perpetual spinach
- Spring onions
- Summer squash
- Swiss chard, two varieties
- Turnips, Gold Ball and Norfolk
Non-produce items available will consist of chicken eggs.
New this week
Fresh chickpeas will be available at the market this weekend. Last summer, we offered Eric’s fresh garbanzo bean ragu or stew recipe as a way to cook fresh garbanzo beans.
Almost new are the collard green that made a surprise appearence at last weekend’s market. These are young and tender. No need to braise them for hours with bacon or a ham hock unless you want to do so.
If two weeks without arugula is too long and you are suffering from arugula withdrawal, arugula will be back this weekend to brighten your day.
Say goodbye to peas for the year. The pea season is short and sweet. Peas, we hardly knew thee.