Note: The Black Cat Farm will attend this Saturday’s Boulder Farmers’ Market despite its reduced size to accommodate the Boulder Creek Fest. Arriving early may help in avoiding the increased crowds and more challenging parking situation.
The Black Cat Farm booth at the Boulder Farmers’ Market will include the following produce on May 24, 2014:
- Arugula
- Baby beet greens
- Baby Hinona Kabu, a Japanese turnip
- Baby kale
- Baby lettuce mix
- Baby tatsoi mix
- Baby daikon
- Bok choy
- Cilantro
- Kale, two varieties
- Mild mustard mix
- Mizuna, two types
- Perpetual spinach
- Radishes, French Breakfast, German Beer, Hailstone, and Sezanne varieties
- Spicy mustard greens mix
- Spinach
- Tatsoi
Non-produce items available will consist of chicken eggs.