The Black Cat Farm booth at the Boulder Farmers’ Market will include the following produce on July 11, 2015:
- Arugula
- Baby beets
- Baby fennel
- Basil, genovese, lemon, tulsi
- Cabbage, Asian
- Cilantro
- Fava beans
- Garlic, green
- Kale
- Leeks
- Lettuce, Jericho
- Mustard green mix
- Peas, shelling (mature sugar snaps)
- Purslane
- Spring onions
- Swiss chard
- Turnips, hinona kabu
Mulefoot pork cuts, dried heirloom Windsor lima beans, dried black garbanzo beans, sheep pelts, and pig leather will also be available.
Green garlic
Green garlic is young garlic where every part of the plant, including roots, are edible. The Black Cat and Bramble and Hare cooks love it because the paper covering the bulb is thin and they don’t have to peel it.
Most farmers plant garlic in the fall, harvest green garlic in the late spring, and harvest mature heads of garlic in early summer. Eric is trying an experiment in which he is regularly planting garlic in the growing season rather than planting once, so that he can continuously harvest green garlic until the winter. He isn’t sure if his experiment will work because plants usually take their cues from the amount of sun and temperatures as to when they will grow and flower. Check back at the end of the season to find out how he did.