The Black Cat Farm booth at the Boulder Farmers’ Market will include the following produce on May 10, 2014:
- Arugula
- Baby beet greens
- Baby bok choy
- Baby kale
- Baby lettuce mix
- Baby tatsoi mix
- Baby turnips
- Cilantro
- Escarole
- Mild mustard mix
- Mizuna, two types
- Pak choy
- Perpetual spinach
- Radishes, three varieties
- Red-veined sorrel
- Spicy mustard greens mix
- Spinach
- Spring onions
Non-produce items available will consist of chicken eggs.
Produce comings and goings
Radishes and turnips will be available for the first time this week. Sweet and juicy, Eric advises that you wash the radishes and eat them raw.
In the classic French fashion, you can also butter thin slices of bread, place radish slices on the bread, and sprinkle with a finishing salt before devouring the whole thing.
This is the last week for escarole and radicchio, if radicchio is available.