The Black Cat Farm booth at the Boulder Farmers’ Market will include the following produce on June 14, 2014:
- Arugula
- Baby beets, multiple varieties
- Baby carrots
- Baby fennel
- Baby Hinona Kabu, a Japanese turnip
- Baby kale, two varieties
- Baby lettuce mix
- Basil, Genovese and lemon
- Bok choy
- Cilantro
- Danish ball head cabbage
- Fava beans, young
- Mild mustard mix
- Leeks
- Lettuce, Tom Thumb
- Mizuna
- Napa cabbage
- Parsley
- Peas, shelling and sugar snap
- Perpetual spinach
- Spicy Asian greens mix
- Spinach
- Spring onions
- Swiss chard, two varieties
- Tatsoi
- Turnips, Gold Ball and Norfolk
Non-produce items available will consist of chicken eggs.
New and new-ish produce
The bounty of the seeds that we planted from February to mid-spring are starting to arrive. Fleeting, lovely items like peas and fava beans. Get them while you can because they are so good.
Last week, we had a small supply of our first peas (shelling and sugar snap), baby beets, and baby carrots. We will have greater quantities of all of these. In addition, look for basil, young fava beans, and Danish ball head cabbage for the first time.
We should have napa cabbage, which Eric absolutely loves despite the severe odds against getting a decent or any harvest, this week and maybe next week. We will have two posts about napa cabbage and making kimchi with it shortly.
Also, if you purchase fava beans, this blog has at least one fava bean recipe from Eric, the originator of all of our recipes.